Teach For All Global Fellowship Program: Apply Now

Teaching is one of the most prestigious professions one can pursue. As educators, we have the unique opportunity to shape young minds and pave the way for a just, equitable and compassionate society. However, the status quo of inequitable access to quality education persists around the world. This is where Teach For All and their Global Fellowship Program comes in.

What is Teach For All?

Founded in 2007, Teach For All is a global network of independent, locally-led, and governed nonprofit organizations working on expanding educational opportunities in their respective countries or regions. The network currently includes 56 partner organizations in 58 countries and territories across six continents.

Together, these partner organizations recruit and develop promising future leaders to teach for at least two years in high-need schools and communities. Their common mission is to build the movement to eliminate educational inequity. Some key facts about Teach For All:

  • Over 55,000 teachers and leaders have been trained through all partner programs to date
  • Reaches over 26 million students worldwide each year
  • Partners with ministries of education and local governments to strengthen entire educational systems
  • Leverages shared knowledge, resources, and best practices across the global network

Now in its 15th year, Teach For All has grown exponentially since its founding. It continues extending its reach to even more countries each year through establishing new partnership organizations. The collective impact of its global network is truly inspiring.

The Teach For All Global Fellowship Program

At the heart of Teach For All’s efforts is the Global Fellowship Program. Through this prestigious program, high-achieving leaders from around the world are selected and trained by Teach For All partner organizations to teach for at least two years in high-need schools and communities within their home countries or regions.

Some key aspects of the Global Fellowship Program:


To be eligible, applicants must have either graduated from or be in their final year of a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited college or university. Fellows generally come from a variety of academic disciplines, though priority may be given to those with backgrounds in STEM or special education.

Citizenship requirements vary by partner organization, but fellows are primarily selected from and serve within their home countries/regions. Proficiency in the local language of instruction is also expected.

Selection Criteria

Partners use a comprehensive, merit-based selection process to choose the most promising candidates who demonstrate a strong commitment to educational equity. Key criteria include:

  • Academic achievement and leadership potential
  • Analysis and problem-solving skills
  • Communication skills and adaptability
  • Motivation for the work and commitment to serve disadvantaged communities
  • Respect and understanding for diverse groups and cultures

Training & Development

Upon acceptance into the program, fellows undergo intensive pre-service training over the summer months. Core areas of focus typically include:

  • Educational theory and effective teaching methodologies
  • Classroom management strategies
  • Content knowledge in subjects they will teach
  • Building relationships and advocating for students
  • Leadership and collaboration skills

Fellows then teach full-time for a minimum of two years under the guidance of mentor teachers and school leaders. Ongoing professional development and leadership training also continue throughout the fellowship term.

Impact & Outcomes

Graduates of the Global Fellowship Program emerge as impact-oriented leaders uniquely equipped to drive change from inside classrooms and beyond. Specifically:

  • Fellows directly impact the educational trajectories of thousands of underserved students annually
  • Many remain in education through roles like teacher leadership, administration, and policy work
  • Others become leaders across various sectors committed to social change like healthcare, law, and community organizations
  • Graduates from a powerful alumni network striving for educational equity globally

In essence, the fellowship acts as a launch pad for fellows to exponentially increase their social impact over a lifetime through the paths they subsequently choose.

Journey of a Global Fellow: Diana’s Story

To help bring the Global Fellowship experience to life, let’s explore the journey of one alumna – Diana, a fellow from Teach For Mexico:

Why She Applied

Growing up in an under-resourced community herself, Diana witnessed first-hand the profound difference access to quality education can make. She was inspired to give back by helping level the playing field for other disadvantaged youth.

Selection & Training

After a rigorous multi-stage application and interview process, Diana was thrilled to be selected for the 2015 fellowship cohort. Pre-service training that summer equipped her with hands-on strategies to engage students and create an inclusive classroom environment.

Two Impactful Years of Teaching

Diana taught middle school English at a rural public school. She bonded deeply with her students and pushed them to excel academically and personally through enrichment activities. Thanks to individualized attention, many of her lower-performing students significantly improved their proficiency.

Continuing the Mission

Upon completing her term, Diana joined Teach For Mexico’s alumni team to strengthen the organization’s training program based on her experiences. She now works for a statewide education initiative aimed at expanding access to early childhood education. Diana remains committed to leveling the playing field so all children have the chance to thrive, just as the fellowship inspired her to do.

Diana’s story exemplifies how the Global Fellowship ignites a passion for educational equity that lasts far beyond the initial two teaching years. It equips fellows with the skills and conviction to drive meaningful change however they choose to apply their talents.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Fellowship

Now that we’ve covered the program overview and a sample fellow’s journey let’s address some of the most common questions potential applicants may have:

What are the time commitments after the initial two teaching years?

While the core commitment is two years of full-time teaching, many fellows remain engaged with their respective Teach For All partner organizations longer-term in impactful volunteer or professional roles. However, there are no binding obligations – fellows are free to choose their own paths after completion.

Can I defer acceptance to a later cohort?

Most partners allow deferrals of up to one year on a case-by-case basis for fellows-elect who require additional time to fulfill other commitments like completing a degree program. But early application is still recommended to maximize chances of acceptance and securing a preferred placement region or subject area.

What is the selection timeline like?

Application periods vary slightly by location but generally run from fall through early winter. Interviews are held between late winter and spring, with admission decisions and initial cohort training following over late spring and summer months, respectively. Fellows then begin teaching the subsequent academic year.

Can I teach abroad through this program?

While the core design is for fellows to teach within their home countries/regions, a limited number of partners do offer the option to serve internationally through exchanges or targeted global placements. Interested candidates should inquire specifically about current international opportunities during the application process.

How much does the program cost, and are there any stipends?

The fellowship is fully funded and involves no tuition costs. Fellows receive a living stipend equivalent to a starting teacher’s salary in their local context to support the costs of serving full-time. Health insurance and other benefits may also be provided depending on the partner organization.

How to APPLY

Are you ready to begin your journey as a Global Fellow? Here are the key steps to apply:

  1. Research partners: Browse www.teachforall.org to learn about the various Teach For All partnership programs worldwide and determine the best fit based on your location, skills, and interests.
  2. Check eligibility: Review partner-specific requirements for things like degree status, citizenship, language proficiency, etc. Meet all criteria to be considered a competitive applicant.
  3. Prepare application materials: Gather transcripts, resume, and references, and draft compelling essays responding to the selection criteria. Have your documents thoroughly proofread.
  4. Submit online: Visit the admissions website for your selected partner and follow the online application instructions and deadlines. Applications are typically accepted year-round with rolling admissions.
  5. Attend information sessions: Attend virtual or in-person sessions hosted by partners to learn more and ask any final questions before you apply.
  6. Ace the interviews: Should your written application advance you, prepare intensely for subsequent interviews to showcase your qualifications and passion for the work.
  7. Accept an offer of admission: If selected, respond promptly to secure your spot in the incoming cohort. Congratulations, and get ready for an unforgettable fellowship experience!

With commitment and hard work, the Global Fellowship can unlock your potential to be a changemaker. Take the important first step and APPLY HERE! Partners are continuously accepting applications, so don’t delay in starting your social impact journey.