The Stamps Family Charitable Foundation Scholarship: Apply Now

The Stamps Family Charitable Foundation was established in 1992 by Harold and Elsie Stamps “to improve the human condition through transformational giving.” As part of its philanthropic mission, the Foundation offers one of the most prestigious and generous scholarship programs available to American students. 

A Brief History of the Stamps Foundation

Harold and Elsie Stamps began their philanthropic journey in the 1950s after building a successful engineering company. Always focused on empowering individuals through education, they established a charitable foundation upon selling the business in the early 1990s. Endowing it with over $550 million in assets, the Stamps sought to “promote human dignity and fulfill human potential” through impactful giving.

In 1994, the Foundation launched its first undergraduate scholarship program with an ambitious goal – to fund the entirety of selected students’ undergraduate education costs until graduation. Early recipients attended schools such as Harvard, MIT, and Stanford on full rides, including tuition, room & board, books, fees, and even study abroad programs.

Over the decades, the Foundation has expanded both its scope of giving and cohort of annual scholars. Programs now include graduate scholarships, international initiatives, and new fields of interest such as arts entrepreneurship. Still anchored by its commitment to empowering individuals through education, the Stamps Foundation today awards over $12 million annually to deserving students and innovative non-profits around the world.

The Stamps Undergraduate Scholarship

The flagship Stamps Family Charitable Foundation Scholarship program focuses on funding exceptional rising high school seniors throughout their entire undergraduate careers. Some key details:


To be eligible, applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents planning to attend a four-year accredited college or university in the US. There are no restrictions based on intended major, family income level, or demographic characteristics. Candidates are evaluated solely based on demonstrated qualities of character, leadership potential, academic achievement, and promise for future success.

Award Amount

Stamps Scholars receive full funding for all undergraduate expenses, including tuition, room & board, books, fees, and a travel stipend. The award is renewable for up to four years as long as the Scholar remains in good academic standing at their institution. Total award amounts often exceed $200,000 for a student’s entire bachelor’s degree.

Cohort Size

Approximately 15-20 scholars are selected each year from a national applicant pool. Since 1994, over 500 students have received Stamps Scholarships, totaling well over $100 million in funding to date.

Application Process

The highly competitive application consists of basic biographical information, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, short essays, and an interview – either virtually or in person, depending on the applicant’s location. Evaluation focuses on character qualities rather than just grades or test scores.

Post-Graduate Expectations

While there are no specific post-graduation obligations, Scholars are encouraged to “pay it forward” through civic engagement, community service, or careers aimed at social betterment. Many Stamps alumni go on to impactful careers in public service, education, healthcare, and social entrepreneurship.

This section has provided an overview of the major facets of the Stamps Scholarship. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into specific elements of the application and selection process, stories of past recipients, and advice from Stamps Foundation leadership.

The Application: Succeeding With Character and Passion

Of the hundreds who apply each year, fewer than 1% will earn the distinguished title of Stamps Scholar. With such steep competition, prospective applicants may wonder how to stand out from the pack. According to Foundation program officers, the qualities that often separate finalists from the rest are confidence, passion, and strong character – not simply high grades or test scores. Here are some additional tips on crafting a winning application:


While brevity is key, given strict word limits, essays should convey sincere purpose and enthusiasm for making an impact. Utilizing specific examples from leadership roles or community service helps essays come to life. Editing with an outside eye ensures a polished, error-free final product.

Letters of Recommendation

Teachers and mentors who write recommendations should speak not just to academic merit but also to an applicant’s personality, initiative, work ethic, and potential for growth. Early requests and clear guidelines help produce stronger letters. Avoid using family members as recommenders.

Transcripts & Scores

A competitive applicant will have strong but not perfect academics – room for growth sustains hunger and humility. Stellar scores and grades alone cannot outweigh lacking character references. Extracurricular activities help show passion and time management skills.


These make or break many applications. Preparation is key – know your application thoroughly and anticipate tough questions. Authenticity, empathy, confidence, and specific, thoughtful responses to probing questions greatly impress interviewers.

According to Foundation leadership, applicants who let their passion, character, and compassion shine through tend to stand out most. With intentional preparation and self-reflection, any driven candidate can craft a winning application for this premier scholarship program.

Stories from the Stamps Scholar Community

To bring the impact of the Stamps Scholarship to life, here are brief snapshots of three alumni and what they’ve achieved since graduating supported by this exceptional program:

Sarah Cruz (Class of 2010) – After triple-majoring in biomedical engineering, Spanish, and global health at Northwestern University as a Stamps Scholar, Cruz received her MD from Harvard Medical School. She now works as a pediatric surgeon at Boston Children’s Hospital, specializing in repairing birth defects in underserved communities globally. Cruz credits her Stamps experience with fueling her drive to use education to serve vulnerable populations.

Daniel Kim (Class of 2015) – A Stamps Scholarship allowed Kim to study political science and philosophy at Columbia, followed by a law degree at Yale. He now works on Capitol Hill advocating for education reform legislation as chief of staff to a Congressman. Kim remains actively involved with the Stamps Scholar network as a mentor and dedicates much of his spare time to tutoring underprivileged D.C. youth.

Jacinta Greene (Class of 2020) – As an art history and photography double major at NYU, Greene gained experience interning and assisting with exhibitions at top museums worldwide thanks to Stamps funding. She is now curating her own shows highlighting marginalized artists while pursuing a master’s in art administration at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Greene credits her Stamps experiences for cultivating her passion for elevating creative voices.

These success stories, and hundreds more like them, epitomize the Foundation’s mission of using education to empower change-makers. Stamps Scholars go on to pursue careers bettering their communities through public service, nonprofit work, healthcare, education, the arts, and more.

Advice from Stamps Foundation Leadership

To gain further insight, I interviewed Dr. Patricia Harris, who has been the president of the Stamps Foundation since 2018 and is a former university professor/administrator. Here are highlights from our discussion:

On selecting scholars: “We want to be driven, curious individuals who demonstrate care, integrity, and initiative. Academics are important, but character is key – we look for those eager to make the most of opportunities and pay their gifts forward.”

Advice for applicants: “Show your passion genuinely through vivid examples. Interviewers want to get to know you as a whole person. Prepare thoroughly but remain relaxed and conversational.”

Managing the scholarship: “Stamps removes obstacles so scholars can fully explore interests. We promote wellness, networking, and growth through conferences, advising, and mentorship within our strong alumni community.”

Long-term impact: “By developing leaders in fields like education, healthcare, social justice, and the arts, our aim is societal betterment. Scholars take the Foundation’s mission to heart and work to expand human dignity in innovative ways.”

What sets Stamps apart: “Our sustained, multi-year commitment to each individual scholar. This allows risks, pivots, and travels abroad that are normally out of reach. Scholars have room to discover themselves and make the most of college fully unburdened.”

The Stamps Family Scholarship’s highly personalized, generous support cultivates remarkable recipients who are making profound changes in diverse domains. Dr. Harris’ insights provided a window into the heart of this esteemed organization and its transformative vision.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section addresses some of the most common inquiries the Stamps Foundation receives:

Who is eligible to apply?
The scholarship is open to any rising high school senior who is a US citizen or permanent resident planning to attend a four-year accredited college or university in the US. There are no restrictions based on family income, gender, race/ethnicity. Character and merit are the sole evaluation criteria.

What if my family’s financial situation changed?
The Stamps Scholarship is a need-blind award. Recipients continue receiving full funding throughout their undergraduate career regardless of any shifts in financial circumstances. The Foundation’s commitment remains to the individual scholar and their continued success and well-being.

Can I attend any school with my scholarship?
Recipients have complete freedom to attend any public or private accredited four-year college or university in the US of their choice. The Stamps Foundation believes scholars should have autonomy to explore opportunities aligned with their interests and aspirations, not be limited to certain institutional partners. The award travels with the student to whatever college they ultimately enroll at.

What are my obligations after graduation?
There are no specific post-graduate requirements of Stamps Scholars. The Foundation’s philosophy is to empower students through education and then allow their gifts and passions to guide their next steps. Scholars are of course encouraged to stay engaged with the alumni network and give back through service in a way that aligns with their individual career paths and commitments.

How competitive is it to receive a Stamps Scholarship?
The program is extremely selective, with acceptance rates typically below 1%. On average, over 800 students apply each year for 15-20 available slots. Prospective applicants should demonstrate exceptional character through leadership experiences, community service, and detailed essays/recommendations highlighting their ambitions, drive, and fit with the Foundation’s mission. While academics are evaluated, this scholarship prioritizes developing well-rounded, purpose-driven individuals.

How do I start the application?
Detailed application information and instructions are released each July on the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation website at Interested rising high school seniors should be sure to check back then or reach out to their school’s guidance counselors for start dates and deadlines. The Foundation also presents at select national conferences for gifted youth throughout each summer.


To apply or get more information on the application process, eligibility requirements, and selection criteria, please visit:

Interested rising high school seniors are also encouraged to attend one of the Foundation’s information sessions held throughout July-October at select national conferences like UIN, AGN, and JSHS. Registration for these events can be found on the Stamps Foundation website.