Jeweler Jobs that Sponsor UK Skilled Worker Visas

Do you have skills and experience as a jeweler but are living outside of the UK? Working as a jeweler in the UK could provide exciting career opportunities, but obtaining a visa can seem challenging. However, some employer sponsors in the UK jewelry industry are willing to help talented jewelers immigrate through skilled worker visa programs.

UK Skilled Worker Visa Options for Jewelers

The main visa routes for jewelers coming to the UK are:

Skilled Worker Visa (Formerly Tier 2 (General))

The Skilled Worker Visa is the standard employment-based immigration route for skilled workers. As a jeweler, you’d need to find a sponsoring employer who has a license to hire overseas workers. The job must meet minimum skill and salary thresholds.

Global Talent Visa

Intended for top international professionals, scientists, and researchers. As a jeweler, you’d need demonstrable career accomplishments at an exceptionally high level to qualify. Suitable for master jewelers with exceptional portfolios.

Start-Up Visa

For those with innovative business ideas. Applicants must secure funding from an approved source and have business/strategic mentorship available in the UK. Could start a new UK jewelry design company or workshop.

Innovator Visa

Similar to Start-Up Visa but focuses more on research and development projects. Could use the visa to develop advanced new jewelry-making technologies in the UK.

In this post, I’ll focus primarily on the Skilled Worker Visa route as it’s likely the most attainable option for most experienced jewelers looking to work for an employer in the UK.

Skilled Worker Visa Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for a Skilled Worker Visa, you must meet certain criteria:

  • Sponsorship – You must have a genuine job offer from a licensed UK sponsoring employer in your intended field.
  • Education level – Typically hold a relevant UK bachelor’s degree, professional qualification, or extensive relevant work experience.
  • English language ability – Prove competence in English with an approved secure English language test, achieving level B1 or above.
  • Salary – Earn at least the minimum salary threshold for the job, which is £25,600 per year at the time of writing.
  • Skills/qualifications – Your skills, qualifications, and experience must match the requirements of the job role.
  • Resident overseas – Be living abroad at the time of application (not in the UK as a visitor or previous visa holder).
  • Character/conduct – Meet good character and conduct requirements with no significant criminal convictions.

This is just an overview – there are some additional technical eligibility criteria on the UK Visas and Immigration website. Ensuring you meet all the points is critical to a successful visa application.

Finding a Sponsoring Employer

Securing a job offer from an approved sponsor is the most challenging part of the process for many prospective skilled workers. Here are some tips for locating jeweler vacancies that offer visa sponsorship:

Review the registered sponsors list

On GOV.UK, and search the register of licensed sponsors for companies in the “Jewellers and Precious Metal Workers” category. This lists over 200 potential sponsors across the UK.

Research top UK jewelry brands and retailers

Leading luxury brands like Asprey London, Boodles, and Graff often have in-house design, production, and workshop roles. Visit their career pages regularly for new opportunities.

Check industry recruitment sites

sites like The Maker’s Directory regularly post UK jewelry job ads. Monitor these for visa-sponsoring openings.

Attend UK jewellery trade shows and expos

Events like London Jewellery Week and Birmingham Jewellery Week provide chances to network and be discovered by sponsors.

Expand your net beyond dedicated jewelry companies

Consider roles in related creative industries like luxury goods, watchmaking, silversmithing, or object design, where skills may transfer. Versace, Burberry, Aston Martin, and more sponsor visas.

The key is actively searching, building your UK industry knowledge, showcasing your portfolio online, and being proactive about contacting potential employers directly if you spot a matching role. With persistence and skills, finding sponsorship is very achievable for dedicated jewelers.

The Skilled Worker Visa Application Process

Once you’ve secured a UK job offer that meets the requirement criteria, the application process involves several steps:

1. Apply for a Certificate of Sponsorship

Your employer will need to assign you a Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) number through the government system. This confirms they will sponsor your visa application.

2. Pay immigration skills charge

A £364 fee is paid by the sponsor per application assigned a COS number at this stage.

3. Make a visa application online

Using your COS reference, apply online via Visas and Immigration, and pay the £349 application fee. This is where supporting documents are uploaded.

4. Biometric residence permit appointment

Book and attend an in-person biometrics appointment at a visa application center to provide fingerprints, photos, etc.

5. Decision made

Expect a decision within three weeks if applying from a low-risk country. If approved, you are granted an initial 3-year visa to work for that sponsor in the UK.

6. Travel to the UK

Within three months of approval, make your move and present documents at UK Border Control to activate residency status.

This covers the basic stages, but there are further details on timing, supporting documents, and eligibility checks involved – so it’s wise to plan ahead and prepare thoroughly.

Visa Costs

In total, the indicative Skilled Worker Visa costs are:

  • Immigration Skills Charge (£364) – Paid by sponsor
  • Visa Application Fee (£349) – Paid by applicant
  • IHS Surcharge (£1,000-£3,000+) – Paid by applicant
  • Biometrics Appointment Fee (£19.20)
  • Health Surcharge (£624 annually)

So the direct costs to you as the applicant could range from around £1,000-£2,000 depending on IHS surcharge rate – and expect ongoing health surcharge payments during your time in the UK too. Carefully budgeting for visa costs is important.

Documents Required

Key documentation needed for your Skilled Worker Visa application includes:

  • Passport (valid for intended period of stay)
  • Education certificates/transcripts
  • Proof of qualifications recognition
  • Evidence of English level (secure English test)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Salary evidence such as contract/payslips
  • Job offer letter from sponsor
  • Evidence of maintenance funds
  • Tuberculosis screening certificate if applicable

You may also need other documents depending on individual circumstances like police clearances or relationship evidence. Careful collating of all required documents is crucial to completeness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common visa questions:

Can I apply without a job offer?

No, you must have a genuine job offer from a licensed UK employer sponsor to qualify for a Skilled Worker Visa.

How long will my initial visa last?

If approved, you’ll receive an initial 3-year visa to allow you to live and work flexibly for any sponsor in the UK.

Can I switch employers?

Yes, as long as your new job is also eligible at the required skill and salary levels. You should notify UKVI of changes in circumstances.

How can I extend my stay long-term?

After your initial three years, you may be eligible to apply for further visas like Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR aka ‘settlement’) permitting permanent residency.

Is it possible to come as a dependent?

Yes, you can include eligible family members like a spouse or children in your Skilled Worker application. They will then receive dependent visas.

What are the healthcare entitlements?

You’ll be entitled to access the National Health Service (NHS) but must pay an Immigration Health Surcharge along with your visa application and yearly thereafter.

Do I need to maintain savings?

Yes, you need to demonstrate you have at least £1,270 in available savings held for 90 days before your visa application or risk refusal. The home office may request bank statements as evidence of funds.


Now that you have a thorough understanding of the UK jeweler job market, sponsorship requirements, and Skilled Worker Visa process, it’s time to take action. Here are some top sites to actively search for current vacancies and apply directly:

Asprey London Careers

Asprey London is globally renowned for fine jewelry design and craftsmanship. Regularly recruiting for in-store associates, workshop associates, and design roles.

Graff Careers

Luxury Jeweler Graff has workshops and boutiques throughout the world. Frequently hiring experienced Gemologists, Diamond Setters, and Sales Associates.

Boodles Graduate Programmes

Esteemed British brand Boodles focuses on high-end watches and jewelry. Seek out their structured graduate trainee schemes.

Natural History Museum Placements

While not a commercial company, the museum has workshops creating exhibits and restoration work. Valuable experience in a famous London cultural institution.

LinkedIn Jobs

Search “jeweler UK” on LinkedIn to see the latest open roles from brands, independent workshops, and more posted on their dedicated job boards.