Blacksmith Jobs in the UK: Opportunities for Skilled Visas

Blacksmithing has had a rich history in the UK, with the craft dating back to ancient times. While industrialization changed manufacturing jobs, skilled blacksmiths continue to play an important role today. 

An Ancient Craft Still Revered Today

The traditional role of the blacksmith can be traced back to pre-Roman times in the UK. These skilled metalworkers crafted everything from tools and weapons to ironworks and decorations. Even as industrialization transformed many industries, blacksmithing retained its prestige as a skilled trade. While machines now handle much of the mass production, craft blacksmithing lives on. Skilled artisans still hand-forge specialty items like gates, railings, architectural elements, and more using traditional techniques.

Modern blacksmithing extends beyond just functional ironwork. Many blacksmiths today consider themselves artists as well as technicians. Through creative expression with metal, they produce one-of-a-kind sculptures and decorative pieces. Whether recreating historical styles or pioneering new aesthetics, artisan blacksmiths command high prices for their custom works of functional art. This combination of technical skill, artistry, and demand makes blacksmithing a viable career path even now.

Blacksmith Job Opportunities in the UK

There are a number of potential blacksmith roles one could pursue in the UK:

Production Blacksmith – Larger blacksmithing shops employ production blacksmiths to handle volume works like railings, gates, and structural elements on a larger scale than a sole proprietor could manage. Skilled technicians work alongside apprentices to efficiently produce standard items.

Artisan/Custom Blacksmith – As a sole proprietor or small business owner, a custom blacksmith takes commissions for unique, one-off pieces. Creativity and artistic flair are essential to designing for each client’s specifications and vision.

Artist Blacksmith – Some blacksmiths focus primarily on sculpture and decorative metalwork. They exhibit and sell their creations at art shows while also taking commissions. Technical skills allow innovative artistic expression.

Blacksmith Instructor – Technical colleges and training programs look for experienced blacksmiths to teach apprentices and students traditional and modern techniques. Passing on specialized skills to new generations is vital for the craft’s survival.

Heritage Blacksmith – Museums, historic sites and properties value blacksmiths well-versed in period techniques. They reconstruct and demonstrate the traditional ironwork of the past.

Fabrication Blacksmith – With additional welding and metalworking expertise, fabrication blacksmiths take on complex construction projects beyond pure forging like railings, stairs, and more.

The location and size of the operation may vary depending on the particular role and employer, from workshops to museums to fabrication shops. Flexible hours are common, as commission-based work schedules are around client needs and deadlines. Compensation ranges from an apprentice’s starting wage to high earnings for successful artisan business owners.

Skills and Experience Required

No matter the specific blacksmithing role, certain core skills remain essential:

Metalworking Knowledge – A strong theoretical and practical understanding of working with ferrous metals like steel and wrought iron is a must. This includes properties, forging processes, joining, finishing, and more.

Forging Techniques – Mastering the hand skills to shape heated metal using hammers, swage blocks, and anvils is fundamental training for any blacksmith. Skilled practitioners attain great precision and control.

Toolmaking – The ability to fabricate basic tools for the trade as needed, from punches and chisels to full sets of tongs and hammers, showcases adaptability. Maintenance is also expected.

Joinery – Methods for connecting metal components include bending, riveting, welding, and brazing. A variety of joining skills suits structural and decorative work.

Finishing – from filing, grinding, and polishing to priming and painting, blacksmiths finish items to the highest standards for protection and aesthetics.

Design Capability – For artistic and custom roles, strong design sense, drawing skill, and creativity help visualize projects from concept to final form.

Machining Skills – The use of metalworking machinery expands what’s possible. CNC plasma cutting and milling open new possibilities. Basic lathe work aids fabrication.

Beyond technical skills, qualities like precision, problem-solving abilities, work ethic, and client relations serve all roles well. Most UK employers expect a formal blacksmithing apprenticeship, City & Guilds diploma, or equivalent experience. Specialized certifications in welding or machining add value too.

Applying for a UK Skilled Worker Visa

Blacksmithing jobs with sponsors approved under the skilled worker visa points-based system could provide immigration opportunities. A few key points:

  • Apply under the skilled worker visa (formerly tier 2) requiring a job offer from an approved sponsor at an appropriate skill level (RQF3/A-level equivalent).
  • Check the eligible occupation list for blacksmithing roles or related codes. Engineering technician roles often apply.
  • Gain necessary qualifications, experience, and English language ability – usually IELTS overall band score of 5.0 or above.
  • Understand the employer sponsor duties for health surcharges, minimum salary thresholds, and resident labor market tests. Salaries vary according to experience.
  • Use resources like Find a Job to search job listings from approved sponsors or reach out directly to potential employers. Networking helps.
  • Prepare comprehensive visa applications providing all evidence like academic & work references, skill assessments, etc. Meet criteria for appropriate salary and language ability.
  • Anticipate processing times of 3-6 months depending on nationality. Visas typically last three years initially with potential extensions. IHS payments are required.
  • Consider other options like Ancestry visas if qualifying British grandparents/parents. Students may also gain experience through work placements.

Pursuing skilled blacksmithing roles under a visa sponsorship program offers an achievable pathway to working legally in the UK’s thriving metalworking heritage industry. Meeting all criteria clearly demonstrates skills and commitment to potential employers.

Applying & Getting Started in the Trade

For overseas applicants, establishing the necessary skills base presents the first challenge before job hunting. A few good starting points include:

Apprenticeships – Registered apprenticeships last 2-4 years, training in both technical and business skills while earning. Programs at specialist colleges like West Dean provide opportunities worldwide.

Short Courses – Intro programs at places like York Blacksmiths or House of Art Iron introduce core techniques fast. Multi-week courses allow deeper learning. Specialized training abounds.

Self-Study – Resources like the Blacksmiths’ Guild of Great Britain offer guidance on the independent study of forging, toolmaking, bronzesmithing, and more, though without certification.

Volunteer Opportunities – Working unpaid under instructors at living history sites like Jorvik Viking Centre gives a hands-on experience that builds a resume.

Exchange Programs – Look for blacksmithing exchanges between colleges worldwide or programs like BGE in Germany for cultural immersion plus skills.

University Degrees – Level 6-7 degree level blacksmithing studies available through Arts University Bournemouth or University Centre Sparsholt take studies to advanced levels.

With training, a portfolio demonstrating creativity and capability strengthens visa sponsorship applications. Commissioned works, demonstrations, or competitions further legitimize skills. Consider specializing in metallurgy – bladesmithing, silversmithing, and more. UK exposure builds necessary professional networks for job hunting success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the job outlook for blacksmithing in the UK?

While machine fabrication handles mass production, demand remains strong for skilled artisan blacksmithing services across several industries, from architectural metalwork to heritage trades. Larger employers report difficulties filling vacancies periodically as the craft’s expertise becomes rarer. Career prospects overall appear steady, with new graduates often self-employed successfully. Technology also opens non-traditional application areas like blacksmith-designed hardware or metal 3D printing services. Mastering business skills helps fill specialist niches and market unique creations.

What are typical salaries for blacksmith jobs?

Pay ranges widely depending on role, experience, and location. According to industry surveys, production blacksmith salaries start around £18-22k for apprentices, averaging £25-35k. Artisan blacksmith salaries vary tremendously by output – successful sole traders report £30-70k depending on commissions. Instructor or heritage role payscales start £25-35k. Larger fabrication shops pay £25-45k reflecting wider technical skills. Salaries over £50k indicate many years’ experience, large operations, or exceptional artistic achievement. Self-employment allows for the maximum utilization of earnings based on client demand and specialized niches.

What opportunities exist internationally for blacksmiths?

Skilled practitioners find opportunities worldwide to practice age-old techniques and learn different regional metalworking styles. Some options include: teaching apprenticeships at established international forges in Europe and further afield; multi-month artist-in-residence programs at historic sites across continents; short-term exchange placements through programs like Live and Learn Overseas; global conference travel sharing specialized skills; assignments reconstructing or salvaging significant landmarks across cultures through heritage organizations. A few lucky artisans even gain sponsorship through competition wins like the Renwick Monumental Metal competition in the US. Overall mobility depends on gaining sufficient skills, language ability, cultural sensitivity, and relevant visas. Careful planning maximizes chances to experience blacksmithing globally.

Is it possible to pursue blacksmithing as a second career later in life?

For many people passionate about working with their hands, taking up the intensive craft of blacksmithing as a second career later in life presents potential rewards as well as logistical challenges. Key considerations include existing skillsets that may transfer well or training necessary from scratch, financial capacity for equipment and education, physical suitability for strenuous labor, networking to gain apprenticeships/opportunities as an older learner, scheduling study alongside other commitments, and determining if self-employment or part-time assisting is feasible. With dedication to skills development, mature career-changers can realize the dream of becoming accomplished blacksmiths through focused multi-year training plans and creative portfolio-building. Support from a thriving community helps sustain long-term career transitions into this historically respected trade.


  • Find a Job – Browse job openings from Home Office-approved skilled worker visa sponsors, including some potential blacksmith roles.
  • Blacksmiths Guild Jobs Board – View blacksmithing career ads posted directly through this trade organization.
  • Arts University Bournemouth – Enquire about degree programs preparing for skilled metalworking careers.
  • Contact potential employers directly. Many blacksmith shops accept overseas apprentices or assistants if a working holiday visa is an option for you initially.