Embroidery Studio Jobs that Sponsor Australian Skilled Visas

Embroidery is a beautiful art form with a long history across various cultures. In modern times, embroidery studios provide opportunities for creative expression while also running a small business. For foreign nationals looking to work and live in Australia, employment at an embroidery studio can qualify for sponsorship of temporary or permanent skilled visas.

Australian Visa Options Through Embroidery Studio Employment

There are a few main temporary and permanent visa pathways that embroidery studio jobs may sponsor:

  • Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482): For medium-term skilled work in Australia of up to 4 years. Employers must demonstrate they cannot find an appropriately skilled Australian to fill the role. Positions like studio manager, embroidery machine operator, or designer could qualify.
  • Temporary Graduate (Temporary) (subclass 485): For recent graduates to gain skilled work experience in Australia for up to 18 months to 2 years post-study. Employers must be approved to sponsor graduate visas.
  • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491): A provisional 5-year pathway to permanent residence for skilled workers in specified regional areas of Australia. Jobs like studio manager in rural towns could qualify.
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190): A permanent visa pathway tied to state/territory nomination. Jobs must be on relevant skilled occupation lists and meet other state requirements.
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189): The most flexible permanent option not requiring a job offer or state nomination. But has the highest points test criteria to meet on factors like age, work experience, education, etc.

In summary, embroidery studio roles may lead to temporary TSS, Graduate, or Regional provisional visas, or permanent Skilled Nominated or Independent visas, depending on job duties, location, and individual circumstances. Let’s explore these pathways in more depth.

Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa

The Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482) is a popular employer-sponsored temporary visa for medium-term skilled work. To qualify jobs for this visa:

  • Positions must be on the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). Relevant embroidery roles include:

› 242112 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Designer
› 322211 Clothing Trades Worker
› 312212 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Machine Operator

  • Employers must conduct full labor market testing to prove there are no appropriately skilled Australian workers available to fill the role.
  • Workers must meet relevant qualifications, skills, and experience requirements for the occupation.
  • The visa is granted for up to 4 years with the option to renew once. After four years on subclass 482 visas, workers become eligible for permanent residence pathways.

For many foreign nationals, the TSS provides a stable multi-year opportunity to gain skilled work experience in Australia and establish themselves before applying for permanency. Embroidery studios seeking specialized skills could potentially sponsor TSS visas for the right candidates.

Temporary Graduate Visa

The Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) gives recent graduates up to 18 months (stream 1) or two years (stream 2) of post-study work rights in Australia. Key points:

  • Workers must have completed an eligible bachelor’s degree, higher degree, diploma, or trade qualification within the past 2-4 years in Australia.
  • The degree studied does not need to relate directly to the skilled job offered. However, employers must be approved to sponsor this visa subclass.
  • Roles should offer graduates relevant industry experience, even if they are below their qualification level (e.g., junior designer).
  • No labor market testing is required as this visa helps new Australian graduates transition into the local job market.

For eligible foreign graduates with an Australian qualification, this visa offers a valuable opportunity to gain on-the-job skills and make local career connections through employment at an embroidery studio or related business.

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa

The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) provides a 5-year provisional pathway to permanent residence for skilled workers willing to live and work in specified regional areas of Australia. Key aspects:

  • Occupations must be on the relevant Skilled Occupation List (SOL). Relevant embroidery jobs include Textile Designer, Clothing Trades Worker roles.
  • Workers can live and work anywhere in a designated regional visa area for at least the first three years of the 5-year visa to meet the residency requirements for permanent residency.
  • No Australian work experience is needed if applicants meet qualification and points test requirements.
  • Opportunities exist for studio managers or specialized roles in smaller regional towns where local skills are scarce.

This visa provides an attractive pathway for sponsorship by regional embroidery studios seeking skilled operators or designers willing to contribute to business growth in non-metro communities. Foreign nationals can gain permanent residency while exploring Australian regional life.

Skilled Nominated Visa

The Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) is a permanent visa requiring state/territory government nomination in addition to meeting skilled migration points test criteria. Key features:

  • Occupations must be on the relevant Skilled Occupation List (SOL) for the nominating state/territory.
  • Nomination criteria vary between states but generally require a suitable job offer in that state and evidence the hire will benefit the economy.
  • Strong English language ability and a qualifying skilled qualification are baseline requirements.
  • Once state nomination is secured, applicants lodge for the Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa.

For embroidery studios operating within state borders, this process provides a viable option for sponsoring specialized roles where local personnel are lacking. Applicants initially gain permanent residency tied to working and living within their nominating state.

Skilled Independent Visa

As the most flexible permanent residency pathway, the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) does not require a job offer or state nomination. Its stringent eligibility criteria include:

  • Occupations must be on the relevant Skilled Occupation List (SOL).
  • Applicants need a superior score against a points test assessing factors like age, English language ability, work experience, qualifications, and more.
  • The minimum passing score is 65 points, but competitive applicants generally score in their 70s or 80s.

This visa’s independence makes it suited for highly skilled foreign nationals who are able to demonstrate strong qualifications and attributes through their own merits. Those with expertise across diverse embroidery specializations could potentially qualify.

Assessing Eligibility for Embassy Studio Jobs

With an overview of key visa pathways, let’s examine eligibility requirements in more detail to determine if an embroidery studio job could help obtain Australian residency or citizenship. The main criteria to assess include:


The ANZSCO occupation assigned to roles like Embroidery Machine Operator, Textile Designer, or Textile Trades Worker must be on eligible skilled occupation lists for the visa sought (e.g. MLTSSL, relevant SOL).


Applicants require certification demonstrating they meet qualification standards for their nominated occupation, such as:

  • Bachelor’s degree in fashion/textiles or specialized design field
  • Diploma or trade certificate from TAFE in patternmaking, garment production, etc.
  • Extensive industry experience/on-job training may substitute in some cases.

Proficiency in English

Immigration requires suitable English language ability for skilled migration assessed through IELTS or other accredited tests. Scores range from Competent to Proficient depending on visa type.

Work Experience

Amount and relevance of past skilled work experience help meet points test criteria or visa prerequisites. Several years in specialized embroidery fields would aid applications.


Younger applicants under 50 generally score higher through points tests, but older workers can still qualify depending on additional factors.

Health, Character & Other Requirements

Applicants also require satisfactory medical examinations, valid character checks, and the ability to financially support themselves in Australia initially.

Weighing all eligibility factors will determine if an embroidery studio job could realistically help gain the necessary skills and attributes for a visa. Discussing individual profiles with a registered migration agent is advised.

The Application Process

Now that we understand eligibility in-depth, let’s overview the typical process when using an embroidery job as a pathway:

Identifying a Suitable Job Offer

Applicants research embroidery studio job opportunities advertised to find an employer interested in sponsorship. Roles should genuinely align with individual skills and qualifications.

Preparing Documentation

Documents showing evidence against visa criteria are compiled like resumes, qualifications, skills assessment, English tests, police clearances, financial capability documentation, etc.

Liaising with Employer

The prospective employer completes nomination paperwork as applicable, provides a signed employment contract, and undertakes required steps like advertising the role locally to prove labor market testing for certain visas.

Visa Application

With documentation ready, the online visa application is submitted through the Department of Home Affairs ImmiAccount portal with all supporting information. Fees are paid.

Visa Processing

Processing times can range from a few months for temporary visas to over a year for permanent residency applications. Additional documentation may be requested during the assessment.

Grant Notification

If successful, the applicant is notified to make final travel plans, obtain a relevant Australian visa label, and then arrange the big move to begin their new life and career Down Under!

Working closely with a registered migration agent and prospective employer helps navigate this process correctly to optimize visa approval chances. Quality documentation demonstrating full eligibility is key.


Embroidery studios may advertise jobs for potential visa sponsorship on the following sites:

  • Seek.com.au – Australia’s largest employment website with an option to search for “Sponsorship available” roles.
  • JobActive.gov.au – Australian government job placement site where employers can list overseas jobs.
  • Ethicaljobs.com.au – Specialized site for ethical and values-based companies, including artistic small businesses.

Individuals researching migration through an embroidery job should contact studios directly when positions of interest are identified. Discussing qualification fits and endorsement pathways for visas like the TSS is recommended. Registered migration agents can additionally guide you on the best processes and documentation requirements for different visa applications.