Barista Jobs That Sponsor Temporary Skilled Visas in Australia

Have you ever dreamed of moving to Australia but struggled with how to get a visa? If you have barista experience, becoming a barista in Australia may be an achievable path to a temporary skilled work visa. 

Overview of Temporary Skilled Visas in Australia

Before diving into barista-specific visas, let’s review the temporary skilled visa options available in Australia. The two main categories are:

Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa

The TSS visa allows employers to sponsor candidates for positions where there is a proven skill shortage in Australia. It has two subcategories:

TSS (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa

  • Valid for up to 4 years
  • Requires a valid job offer from an approved business sponsor
  • The occupation must be on the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List

TSS (International Sponsored Religious Worker) visa

  • Valid for up to 4 years
  • Requires sponsorship and job offer from an eligible religious organization
  • Occupation limited to religious positions such as clergy, ministers etc.

Distinguished Talent (DT) visa

The DT visa is a fast-track alternative to the TSS for candidates who demonstrate distinguished talent or exceptional ability. It has a higher skills threshold than the TSS.

  • Valid for up to 5 years with possible extension
  • No sponsor required but evidence of ability and talent is stringent
  • Eligible occupations include researchers, academics, artists, athletes, etc.

In summary, most barista jobs would require TSS visa sponsorship rather than meeting the DT criteria alone. Let’s explore the TSS visa options in more detail.

Are Barista Jobs on the Skills List for TSS Visas?

The key requirement for TSS visa sponsorship is having a job offer in an occupation on the Australian Government’s Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List.

This list identifies skills where there is ongoing demand from Australian employers. Occupations must appear on the list for at least the next three years to qualify for TSS sponsorship.

The good news is that “Cafe Workers” is included on the Skills List under ANZSCO Code 3514. This broad category covers a range of cafe and hospitality roles including baristas.

While individual business sponsors need to prove ongoing local skill shortages for the specific job on offer, “Cafe Workers” maintain their position on the Medium and Long-Term Skills List. This indicates barista roles can continue to access TSS sponsorship in many regions of Australia.

Popular Industries for Barista Work Visa Sponsorship

Now that we know barista jobs fall under the Cafe Worker skill on Australia’s critical occupations list, let’s look at some top industries employers in these fields:

Coffee Shop Chains

Major coffee shop brands like Starbucks, Gloria Jeans, and Vitro are common TSS sponsors since they have multiple locations nationally. Their scale helps streamline visa sponsorship processes.

Casual Dining Cafes

Many popular cafe chains focused on food as much as coffee, such as Hudsons, Donut King, and Pie Face, also regularly sponsor barista positions.

University and Campus Cafes

Large educational institutions maintain sizable on-campus cafe networks that employ baristas throughout semesters. University career websites advertise these opportunities.

Specialty Independent Cafes

Small local cafe businesses partner with agents specialized in visa compliance to sponsor skilled overseas baristas where needed. City coffee cultures support these niche industries.

Airport and Transport Hub Lounges

Airports, train stations, and other transport centers house cafes that experience consistent foot traffic. These locations have ongoing barista vacancies.

In summary, major industry players as well as specialty local businesses across various sectors take advantage of TSS visas for barista roles. The market remains strong in both urban and education hubs.

Evaluating a Potential Job Offer

Now that we know barista jobs can be TSS sponsored, what should you look for in a qualifying job offer from an Australian employer? Here are some key points:

  • Position Description – Well-defined role and responsibilities matching the Cafe Worker’s skill level.
  • Full-Time Hours – Usually a minimum of 30 hours per week to satisfy full-time work rules.
  • Pay Rate – Must meet relevant modern award/industry standards for location to prevent visa exploitation risks.
  • Location – Make sure the business location aligns with the area of your intended activity as stated in any visa application.
  • Employer Checks – Research company legitimacy and visa program compliance/sponsorship history.
  • Contract Length – Preferably 12+ months initial engagement to satisfy TSS requirements.
  • Pre-Arrival Support – Look for assistance with visa, immigration, accommodation, etc. settling in.

Conduct thorough due diligence on any offer and employer to ensure a proper TSS job sponsorship backing your visa application. Fact-check all details early on.

Requirements for TSS Barista Visa Applications

Assuming you have secured a valid temporary skilled job offer, here are the standard requirements applicants need to meet for a TSS barista visa:

English Language Ability:

  • IELTS (Academic) – Overall band score of 5 with no individual band below 5


  • Certificate III or higher qualification in hospitality, cafe work or related field
  • VET qualifications assessed as comparable to AQF by TRA/VETASSESS

Work Experience:

  • At least 12 months experience in past 3 years performing barista duties
  • Reference letters from previous employers required as proof

Age Requirements:

  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • No maximum age limit

Health Checks:

  • Meet health requirement through medical examination
  • No diseases of public health significance

Character Checks:

  • No serious criminal convictions in past

With the right TSS sponsored job offer and evidence you meet these criteria, your barista work visa application has a very good chance of approval. Now let’s explore the application process.

Applying for a Barista Work Visa

The standard process for obtaining a TSS visa sponsored through approved barista employment involves the following key stages:

  1. Receive job offer from eligible sponsoring employer
  2. Employer registers with Department of Home Affairs as TSS sponsor
  3. Sponsor lodges nomination application for position
  4. If approved, you lodge visa application with evidence
  5. Department assesses application against skills, qualifications criteria
  6. Medical examinations and police/character checks arranged
  7. Visa granted if all requirements satisfied
  8. Fly to Australia and commence sponsored barista employment

Your employer handles stages 1-3 as sponsor. From then on you personally drive the visa application supported by employer sponsorship evidence. Processing usually takes 5-7 months so prepare early.

Proper documentation preparation and following Department of Home Affairs instructions closely results in smooth visa approval. Knowing the process inside out enables making an informed decision on pursuing barista work in Australia.

FAQs About Barista Work Visas in Australia

Now that we’ve covered the in-depth guide, let’s answer some common questions:

What regions have the most barista job opportunities?

The largest cities typically have highest job densities – Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and the surrounding urban areas. University towns also see strong cafe industry demand.

Can I do barista work while waiting for my visa to be processed?

No, you must not undertake any work until your visa is approved and you officially commence in your sponsored position. Strict conditions apply pre-arrival.

How long can I stay and work as a barista in Australia on a TSS?

The initial TSS visa is granted for up to 4 years. You must remain fully employed by the sponsor in the approved occupation throughout this period.

Can I easily extend my barista work visa beyond 4 years?

Extensions are possible under certain conditions but not guaranteed. You must prove ongoing skill shortage for your role and remain an essential employee to sponsors seeking extensions.

What are my options to remain in Australia after my barista TSS expires?

Potential pathways include sponsored permanent residency through Regional Sponsor Migration or Employer Nomination Schemes if you meet additional criteria. Otherwise you must leave once work rights conclude.

Can I undertake casual/freelance barista shifts alongside my sponsored work?

No, your visa strictly allows work only for the approved sponsor in the full-time job described in your nomination. Any outside work may breach conditions and jeopardize your status.


If you’re interested in pursuing barista work in Australia, here are some potential avenues to search for temporary skilled visa-sponsored positions:

  • Job sites dedicated to hospitality like allow filtering for “Cafe & Coffee Shop” vacancies.
  • University career pages list on-campus cafe jobs at institutions across Australia under “Food & Beverage.” For example, University of Melbourne
  • Search LinkedIn and GlobalMajorCity talent networks for recruiters specializing in placing skilled migrants in Australia’s coffee industry.
  • Consider contacting local independent cafes directly in cities you’re interested in via phone/email about any vacancies they may have.

Thoroughly research all opportunities to ensure they comply with visa nomination processes and meet eligibility criteria before pursuing further.